Arkansas Dental Assistant Schools & Training Programs

Dental Assistant careers in Arkansas are currently in high demand. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects employment of dental assistants to grow 19 percent from 2016 to 2026, much faster than the average for all occupations

There are several possible paths to becoming a dental assistant. Some states require dental assistants to graduate from a CODA accredited program and pass an exam. In other states, there are no formal educational requirements and dental assistants learn how to perform their duties through on-the-job training. Below are the schools that offer dental assistant programs located within the state of Arkansas and sorted by CODA accredited schools and vocational post-secondary schools.

Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) Accredited Programs in Arkansas

Arkansas Dental Assistant Schools Enrolling Now

Remington College
At Remington College, we offer a variety of educational programs. While no reputable school can guarantee employment after graduation, our programs are designed with an emphasis on helping students to prepare for entry-level employment in various career fields. This combination of traditional teaching methods along with practical classroom experience provides an opportunity for students to apply and practice their knowledge and skills. Not sure which program is right for you? Remington College understands that choosing a career path can be stressful for some students. That’s why we have admissions staff available to students in order to help them find an area of study that..Read more



Keiser University eCampus Online

Since 1977, Keiser University has provided quality student-centered, career-focused education. Keiser University Online offers degree programs online to prepare students for in-demand professions. Degrees are offered with a curriculum that is in pace with technology and workforce demand trends in business, criminal justice, health care, information technology and more. Our “one-class-at-a-time” approach allows busy students to focus on their education and balance the demands of work and family. Why Keiser University Online? Online Convenience, Personalized Attention From admissions to faculty, our staff is dedicated to student care: One-class-at-a-time scheduling. Instead of juggling multiple assignments and exams, take one class for four weeks before more



Salaries for Dental Assistants in Arkansas

The average salary for Dental Assistants is approximately $28,590. In addition to paid wages, some Dental Assistants are offered benefits such as paid vacations, provided that they are hired as a full-time employee. (Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.)

Training for Dental Assistants in the Arkansas

Many Dental Assistants are trained by attending a 1 year Dental Assisting program that is usually offered by community colleges, trade schools, or a technical training institute. However many states will require additional certification or licensing if the student would like to be involved with more advanced functions, such as radiological procedures.

Is Financial Aid Available?

You may qualify for financial aid while taking Dental Assisting courses. It is advised that you check with your schools financial aid department. However, you may also visit and fill out the application.